Campus Itinerari Corvetto estate 2023, restituzione dei laboratori svolti dai bambini con le artiste / educatori Rossana Baroni, Anna Bassi, Leonardo Castiglioni, Maddalena Ferrato, Ester Galli, Liana Ghukasyan, Fabiana Lanza, Amanda Spernicelli, Ilaria Ungaro, un progetto con il sostegno del PON METRO Comune di Milano e di Fondazione Cariplo, June-July 2023
Campus Itinerari Corvetto, presentazione dei lavori sviluppati con i bambini durante il Campus di Natale a nel quartiere di Corvetto, 14 January 2023
In the context of Filosofiacoibambini in activity with Ester Galli,A cosa pensa un ombrello?Un'esperienza diretta tra parole e forme con l'opera "Colpo di Vento" by artist Edoardo Manzoni, via Marco D'Agrate 33 (30 april 2022)
Fuoco Incrociato #2 - Copia dal vero. A conversation between Giovanni Morbin and Chiara Ventura, curated by Giulio Verago (1 april 2022)
Ciao Bellezza. "Perchè la bellezza nasce nel cuori di chi guarda!", a project by Julia Krahn in collaboration with e-GeF, Viafarini, Baobab. With Amanda Spernicelli, Julia Krahn, Liana Ghukansyan, Paola Gaggiotti. Istituto Comprensivo Marcello Candia (february and march 2022)
Webinar: ATLAS. Oltre i Confini, a presentation by Claudia Zanfi (aMAZElab) on the project Going Public Atlante Mediterraneo and Arcipelago Balkani (10 june 2021)
Le Arti tra forme e processi / Catalogo, curated by Davide Dal Sasso (3 june 2021)
Presentazione di ALI (Arte Lavoro Impresa). Umberto Cavenago, Marco Panizza (Museum Gallery Premio Suzzara) and major Ivan Ongari tell about the renewed formula of Suzzara Prize: local companies, artists and the museum are the protagonists of an innovative and constantly evolving purpose (23 march 2021)
Webinar dedicato alla conservazione e alla manutenzione delle collezioni d’arte, curated by Prof. Mario Colella and Prof. Paola Fermo (Università degli Studi di Milano). First appointment of the workshop on restoration and maintenance of contemporary works in ceramic and paper, at Archivio Viafarini at Fabbrica del Vapore (18 march 2021)
Documentare la ricerca artistica oggi in Italia, Chiara Bertola, in conversation with Daniela Rizzi, Director of Italian Institute of Culture in Moscow, and Patrizia Brusarosco, founder ofi Viafarini (9 march 2021)
Capire l'arte contemporanea, di Angela Vettese, presentation of the new edition of the book published by Allemandi, in the light of the changes 25 years after its first release. Angela Vettese in conversation with Davide Dal Sasso (2 march 2021)
Le arti tra forme e processi / New Media Art, curated by Davide Dal Sasso, with Marco Mancuso and Guildor (21 december 2020)
Trame dal Mondo. Abito nell’Arte, conversation with Gabi Scardi and video screening of Internazionale Corazon by Francesca Marconi, Il confine è ortogonaleal transito by Giovanni Morbin and Il giro del mondo in burka by Grace Zanotto, (27 september 2020)
Confini Talk, as part of Civil Week Lab, with Martina Yehudit Loreggian, Dorothee Mack, Sarah Marder and Alice Riva, to reflect together on what boundaries to keep and what boundaries to cross after lockdown (11 may 2020)
Tra arte e filosofia, curated by Davide Dal Sasso.The series of meetings proposes the presentation of recently published volumes dedicated to certain themes at the intersection of art and philosophy (18-19 april 2020) - suspended because of covid
Pittura a Viafarini (12 march 2020) - suspended because of covid
Pratiche artistiche attorno a Via Padova, with Francesca Marconi, g. olmo stuppia and Gianni Romano (13 february 2020)
Presentazione nuova legge regionale rigenerazione urbana, withEng. Filippo, Archt. Gerardo Ghioni and Lawyer Matteo Peverati (9 december 2019)
Dialoghi di Estetica – Intorno all'arte, curated by Davide Dal Sasso, with Emanuele Arielli and Sophie Ko (28 november 2019)
Il Contemporaneo condiviso - Education Lab 2019, Trasmettere il contemporaneo nella scuola e nel sistema dell’arte, seminar by Laura Colombo - ANISA Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti di Storia dell’Arte and Giulio Verago (6 november 2019)
Dialoghi di Estetica – Intorno all'arte, curated by Davide Dal Sasso, with Alessandro Pontremoli and Ariella Vidach (30 october 2019)
Sleeping off a century of hope, lecture-performance by the artistLarion Lozovoy, in collaboration with Ukrainian Institute (26 september 2019)
Flipper Performance, presentation of a choreographic game-book with Giuseppe De Siati, Roberta Donatini and Samuele Menin, in occasion of Fringe Festival MilanOff (20 september 2019)
Giuseppe Mirigliano, studio visit (14 september 2019)
Il mesmerico cinema della strada, in-conversation event with Roberto "Rup" Paolini, director and founder of Carboluce, artistic/cultural project specialized in alternative movies (18 june 2019)
Dialoghi di Estetica – Intorno all'arte, curated by Davide Dal Sasso, with Marcello Frixione (Università di Genova) and Francesca Genti (13 june 2019)
Turning Invisible. L'invisibile alla luce del Macrocosmo e del Microcosmo, curated by Laura Santamaria (6-7 june 2019)
Hello World, evening course of introduction to Python and Drawbot open to students and professionals of graphic design, held by Roberto Arista, graphic designer and programmer, teacher at ISIA Urbino and CFP Bauer (15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30 may, 5, 6 june 2019)
Il ritardo è possibilità. Artist Talk and video screening with Alessandra Caccia (31 may 2019)
Dialoghi di Estetica - Riuso e produzione di significati, curated byi Davide Dal Sasso, with Matteo Robiglio, Margherita Crespi and Martina Bragadin (9 may 2019)
Presentazione SciameProject, with Miriam Montani (21 march 2019)
In-conversation event: immaginazione e processo artistico, with Maria Luigia Gioffrè, Mimma Della Cagnoletta and Laura Santamaria (18 marzo 2019)
Dialoghi di Estetica - Responsabilità generazionale e arte contemporanea, curated by Davide Dal Sasso, with Tiziana Andina, Eva Frapiccini (17 march 2019)
Club di Poesia Primavera del 2019. Lectures on poetic creation, poetry reading, music folk (16 march 2019)
Libri d'artista all'Archivio Viafarini, presentation of the publication Désolé by Cassata Drone Expanded Archive, of artist book Assioma - per l'uguaglianza modello normale - Disegni parte I by Katja Noppes, and of artist book Auguri by Daniela Ardiri(15 march 2019)
Combinare combinazioni - Laboratorio di filosofia con e per artiste e artisti, conceived and led by Davide Dal Sasso. Participating Artistsi: Riccardo Arena, Margaux Bricler, Sara Enrico, Paolo Inverni, Silvia Mariotti, Valentina Ornaghi, Valerio Rocco Orlando, Claudio Prestinari, Fabio Roncato (december 2018 - january 2019)
Convegno e mostra fotografica Energy for Africa, curated by Marco Trovato for Africa Rivista, photographies by Marco Garofalo, with texts by Matteo Leonardi and Pippo Ronci. Conference Energy for Africa (23 november 2018), workshop Dialoghi sull'Africa (24-25 november 2018)
Contemporary Drawings - in-conversation event.Laura Santamaria and Giulio Verago in conversation with Susanna Baumgartner, Marco Belfiore, Barbara De Ponti, Chiara Pergola (31 may 2018)
Cinema Lotto 15 Fabbrica del Vapore, a review, promoted by Viafarini and Artepassante with the collaboration of Carboluce, dedicated to the cinematographic language through heterogeneous experiences: independent, artistic and experimental film works. SUPRANATURA by Dem and Seth Morley (20 february 2018), THE TRIP by Jeff Nash and Ryan Spring Dooley, IL CORPO DI CRISTO by Akab (6 march 2018), VISTA MARE by Andrea Castoldi (10 april 2018)
Presentazione della Cascina Casottello (10 february 2018)
mostra fotografica In God's Country, curated by Pier Maria Mazzola and Marco Trovato with the collaboration of Marco Garofalo for Africa Rivista. Seminar Economia e sviluppo (17 november 2017), workshop Dialoghi sull'Africa (18-19 november 2017)
Engage Public School for Social Engagement in Artistic Research,in collaboration with Sunugal (11-20 october 2017)
The Artist as Researcher, Viafarini and Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali e Turismo MiBACT - DG Educazione e Ricerca - professional development workshop for professionals and scientific staff of the Ministry. Artists: Riccardo Arena, Giovanni Morbin (may 2017)
Road to (Hyper) Objects, curated by Clara Madaro, Chiara Principe and Vincenzo Santarcangelo in collaboration with Barriera, Cripta 747, Cap10100, Pav (Parco Arte Vivente) and Progetto Diogene (23 march 2017)
Presentation of il 20% delle cause provoca l'80% degli effetti. Speakers: Maurizio Mercuri, Guido Molinari and Valeria Carnevali (18 march 2017)
Georgia René-Worms | 5.12.16 Reading Club. La scrittura come strumento di emancipazione (5 december 2016)
The Artist as Researcher, Viafarini e MiBACT - DG Educazione e Ricerca - professional development workshop for professionals and scientific staff of the Ministry. Artists: Marzia Migliora, RIccardo Giacconi (december 2016)
Grand Tour d'Italie, Viafarini e MiBACT Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività culturali e del Turismo present a survey of socially engaged practices in Italy. In collaboration with: Futura Projects (Praga), Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten (Amsterdam), Akademie Schloss Solitude (Stoccarda), Delfina Foundation (Londra), Kadist Foundation (Parigi/San Francisco), Residency Unlimited (New York City), ISCP International Studio & Curatorial Program (New York City).
Artisti: Nico Angiuli, Riccardo Arena, Ludovica Carbotta, Beatrice Catanzaro, Cherimus, Leone Contini, Luigi Coppola, Gianluca e Massimiliano De Serio, Chiara Fumai, Stefania Galegati Shines, Riccardo Giacconi, Invernomuto, Claudia Losi, Marzia Migliora, Moira Ricci, Diego Tonus, Valentina Vetturi, Zimmerfrei. Video screening (29-30 october 2016), studio visit (30 october-2 november 2016)
Artist Talk with Ernesto Oroza(6 october 2016)
A Natural Oasis | a transnational project | Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale, curated by Alessandro Castiglioni and Simone Frangi(22 october-22 november 2015)
Presentazione di Something Else, monographic volume on the artist Giovanni Morbin, as part of LIVE WORKS Performance Act Award Vol.3 (11 april 2015)
Presentation Il Gatto Rosso di Anton Antonov, with the participation of Angela Vettese (27 february 2015)
RAUSS, Italia-Senegal book release, by SUNUGAL (13-14 december 2014)
Basma Alsharif, public lecture + screening, as part of the workshop Katalogos, curated by Alessandro Castiglioni and Simone Frangi (28 november 2014)
talkwith the artist Barbara De Ponti, Are there geographies? (10 november 2014)
Performance Labour: Benjamin Valenza, Domenico Billari, Hoferoppligerschweikerkaltenbach, Jacopo Miliani, Mali Weil, Quynh Dong, Roberto Fassone, curated by Simone Frangi and Heinrich Lueber (26-28 september 2014, 3-5 october 2014)
Artist Talk with Nikita Kadan as part of Everybody wants to live by the sea exhibition, curated by Silvia Franceschini (25 june 2014)
talk Verso una creatività sostenibile, an encounter with Yuko Hasegawa, Alessandro Mendini, Daniele Pario Perra, Michelangelo Pistoletto in conversation with Chiara Bertola and Giacinto Di Pietrantonio. In occasion of Milano Design Week, organized by Fondazione Furla with Viafarini and in collaboration with Agenzia per gli Affari Culturali del Giappone (7 april 2014)
as part of the new learning week calendar funded by Regione Lombardia: workshop Low Cost Design Park, scientific director: Daniele Pario Perra, partner network: Centro ITARD Impresa Sociale, Viafarini, Liceo Artistico U. Boccioni and Liceo Artistico Caravaggio (Milano) with ANISA sez. Milano. A workshop that encourages participatory design applied to the space of the Fabbrica del Vapore. The workshop is addressed to the students of Milan's art high schools Boccioni and Caravaggio, called to identify and propose solutions for the creation of an urban park and a center of cultural production for young people, able to offer participatory and economically sustainable services. First edition (7-12 april 2014), Second edition (13-18 october 2014)
presentation of the second edition of the International Performance Award Live Works Vol.2 - Performance Act Award, the result of a collaboration between Centrale Fies and Viafarini. The event is part of “The Spring Awakening” per MiArt 2014 (29 marrch 2014)
Artist talk and screening with the artist Alex Martinis Roe (4 february 2014)
workshop Academy Awards for artists selected by announcement among the alumni of the Academies Brera, NABA and Carrara of Bergamo, coordinated by Simone Frangi and led by Giovanna Manzotti (Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera); Giulia Mengozzi (NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti); Daniele Maffeis (Accademia Carrara di Bergamo), (18-23 november 2013)
Do you know because I tell you so or do you know, do you know? memories, anecdotes and superstitions, curated by Valerio Del Baglivo (8, 10 e 11 july 2013)
Giulio Squillacciotti, RMHC – 1989/1999, curated by Simone Frangi. Screening and Artist Talk with Giulio Squillacciotti (16-19 june 2013)
Luca Monterastelli, white – endlessly rocking, curated by Simone Frangi and Marco Tagliafierro and Artist Talk (10 june 2013)
workshop Arte e Politica: Questioni di Pratica, led by Karen Andreassian, Armine Hovhannisyan, Sabina Grasso, Aria Spinelli and Angela Zurlo, in collaboration with Simone Frangi (10 may 2013)
Artist talkas part of the exhibition Antologia by Angelo Sarleti, with Andrea Fumagalli (Università di Pavia), Lorenza Pignatti (NABA di Milano), Tiziana Migliore (IUAV di Venezia), (7 may 2013)
round table on performance in the occasion of the presentation of Live Works - performing arts award. Speakers: Francesca Grilli, Caterina Iaquinta, Giulia Bini, Antonia Alampi. Moderator: Simone Frangi (19 march 2013)
Bookcrossing Zones, curated by Simone Frangi, Zone #4, study day with the Vessel curatorial team around the publication Not (yet) a manifesto (5 february 2013)
Artist Talk and video screening with the artist Augusta Atla (30 january 2013)
Bookcrossing Zones, curated by Simone Frangi, Zone #3. E il Topo, presentation and performance, N°1 Red Letter Edition (30 january 2013)
Bookcrossing Zones, curated by Simone Frangi, Zone #2, presentation of the book Pirate Camp Reader and round table Territorialità, extraterritorialità (17 november 2012)
Bookcrossing Zones, curated by Simone Frangi, Zone #1, presentation of the book Percorsi di ricerca e pratica artistica. NoWHere = No Where Now here - Valeria Muledda | Fear Community - Anja Puntari | To be able to - Eugenia Vanni and round table Arte e ricerca (10 november 2012)
Artist Talk, as part of the italian preview of ROSAS. Marinella Senatore in conversation with Anna Detheridge, Gabi Scardi and Marco Scotini (6 november 2012)
workshop for the creation of a new space at Fabbrica del Vapore with Penso con le mie ginocchia (Mario Airò, Stefano Dugnani, Diego Perrone) + studioliquido (Pietro Spoto). With the support of Regione Lombardia - Istruzione, Formazione e Cultura (september-december 2012)
Academy Awards.Encounter with Gianni Caravaggio and students from Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (8 june 2012)
Maria Pecchioli, Plotting the urban body. The exhibition provides an opportunity to create an open laboratory on art, philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine. With Davide Garlati and Giuseppina Nocciola (Scuola Associazione Italiana Filosofie Orientali e Discipline Bio Naturali). Leone Contini, Anna Stuart, Vincenzo Chiarandà e Giancarlo Norese in conversation with Maria Pecchioli and the public (1 june 2012)
A socially engaged drink,with Francesca De Luca, Sreshta Rit Premnath, Maria Rosa Sossai (27 may 2012)
Calling upon Hybrid self-training program, between convening and self-invitation. As part of the long-term project Measuring. Permanent Research Program on Inobjectivity, started by the artists Alessandro Di Pietro and Pietro Spoto and Simone Frangi (19 may-20 june-27 june-12 july 2012)
Education Lab Formazione attraverso l'Arte. project by Careof DOCVA Viafarini and IULM University, with the contribution of Regione Lombardia - Istruzione, Formazione e Cultura (29-30 march 2012)
A socially engaged drink, with Alexandre Arrechea, Omayra Alvarado, Julia Draganovic, Maria Elvira Escallòn, Gian Maria Tosatti (21 march 2012)
Milano: il Futuro Contemporaneo, Università Commerciale L. Bocconi, Milano (14 march 2012)
presentation of the collaboration with Museo del Novecento (1 march 2012)
conversation between the artistGuy Ben-Nerand Cristiana Perrella, (21 february 2012)
A socially engaged drink,with Alterazioni Video, Eugenio Berra, Emina Cervo Vukotic, Igor Sovilj, Tirana Ekspres (2 february 2012)
A socially engaged drink,with Gennaro Castellano, Marianna D'Ovidio, Emilio Fantin, Francesca Guerisoli, (16 january 2012)
A socially engaged drink,with Daniela Benelli, Beatrice Catanzaro, Gabi Scardi, Catterina Seia (16 december 2011)
A socially engaged drink,with Simona Camisani, Pasquale Campanella, Aleksandra Matakovic Manca, Sasha Sicurella (17 november 2011)
A socially engaged drink,series of meetings on art and society, with the collaboration of Gabi Scardi. With Alterazioni Video, Stefano Boccalini, Anna Detheridge, Anna Vasta (14 october 2011)
Officine dell'Artefrom the workshops of Stefano Arienti and Italo Zuffi (september-november 2011)
Education LabFormazione attraverso l'Arte. A project by Careof DOCVA Viafarini and IULM University, with the contribution of Regione Lombardia - Istruzione, Formazione e Cultura (24-26 march 2011)
Contemporaneo.doc/DOCVA. The Careof DOCVA Viafarini Archive on display at MAXXI Museo delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Rome (December 4, 2010 - February 13, 2011). On the occasion of the exhibition, Archiviare Memorie was held, curated by Patrizia Brusarosco, Mario Gorni, Chiara Agnello and Milovan Farronato, a round table on the role of archives in the preservation and promotion of contemporary artistic research (10 February 2011)
La pittura è oro, series of meetings curated by Luca Bertolo, Davide Ferri, Antonio Grulli, Maria Morganti. Pittura come racconto. Raccontare la pittura (29 october 2010), Esiste uno statuto speciale per la pittura? (12 november 2010), Il gap italiano (26 november 2010)
Coipiediperterra, an encounter by Careof, Viafarini, Reporting System and Connecting Cultures on the theme "Art and Projects for the territory" and presentation of the call for young artists related to the project "Milano e Oltre" by Connecting Cultures with the contribution of Fondazione Cariplo (2010)
Rony Oren, workshop on stop motion techniques, in collaboration with the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Israel in Italy (25 March 2010)
meeting with Galit Eliat, director of Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon, as part of the the exhibition The Mobile Archive, curated by Gabi Scardi (2009)
Incompiuto siciliano by Alterazioni Video, with Paola Adornato, Sally Cellophane, Andrea Cerruto, Elena Cologni, Giacomo Colosi, Francesca Conchieri, Bruno Di Lecce, Massimo Falsaci, Stefano Lupatini, Katia Meneghini, Laura Pugno, Laura Santamaria, Francesca Vargiu, Emily Verla Bovino, Maria Zanchi (2009)
Chiara Bertola, Curare l'arte, Electa, Milano 2008, book presentation with the autor, Martin Angioni, Francesca Pasini, Marco Tagliafierro (2009)
encounter with Kim Jones, in conversation with Milovan Farronato. Workshop with Bastian Arler, Leonora Bisagno, Dafne Boggeri, Lisa Castellani, Sally Cellophane, Sabine Delafon, Giulio Delvè, Giulio Frigo, Stefano Lupatini, Gianluca Malgeri, Concetta Modica, Jasa Mrevlje, Cristiana Palandri, Luigi Presicce, Alessandro Quaranta, Setsuko Kibe, Emilia Smiderle (2008)
Dynamic Table, a dialogue between profit and non-profit spaces, organized by Careof DOCVA Viafarini, in collaboration with Startmilano (2008)
Milano on the move, round table on international residences – Gasworks, Londra; JCVA Jerusalem Center for the Visual Arts, Gerusalemme; Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej - Centre for Contemporary Art, Varsavia - as part of inCONTEMPORANEA numero due, promoted by Provincia di Milano, with the scientific advice of Gabi Scardi, Triennale di Milano (2008)
From Place to Place, encounter with Nasan Tur, curated by Gabi Scardi (2008)
Arte e vita nelle città, international conference promoted by Provincia di Milano, curated by Gabi Scardi, at Triennale, Milano. Workshop by Maria Papadimitriou, with Alessandro Ambrosini, Alessandra Bertoncello, Giorgio Bombieri, Alessandra Caccia, Beatrice Catanzaro, Sally Cellophane, Tiziano Doria, Matteo Girola, Alessandro Lorenzini, Manuela Macco, Manuguy, Concetta Modica, Paola Monasterolo, Pierfabrizio Paradiso, Alberta Pellacani, Stefania Perna, Annacaterina Piras, Progettozero (+), Guido Salvini, Sergio Sansevrino, Iskra Sguera, Alberto Spada, Maria Zanchi, Chiara Zizioli. In collaboration with Provincia di Milano (2007)
Encounter with Katharina Fritsch, led by Milovan Farronato and Angela Vettese, as part of Re-Enacted Painting – White Screen, curated by Milovan Farronato; under the patronage of Goethe-Institut Mailand. With Paola Alborghetti, Alessia Armeni, Giorgia Barabaski, /barbaragurrieri/group, Marco Bernacchia, Lorenza Boisi, Filippo Borella, Gian Marco Capraro, Alessandro Casalini, Claire Chalet, Giacomo Colosi, Francesca Cottini, Valentina D'Amaro, Paolo Dell'Elce, Massimo Falsaci, Carlo Galfione, Valeria Giordano, Petrit Halilaj, Fabio Marullo, Sara Munari, Sergio Sansevrino, Lorenzo Silvan, Manuela Vallicelli, Lucia Veronesi, Raul Zappella (2007)
Antoni Muntadas, curated by Gabi Scardi, in collaboration with Provincia di Milano (2006)
Milano on the move, round table on international residencies - Rijksakademie Amsterdam, Delfina London, Bethanien Berlin, ArtOmi New York - as part of MiArt, Fiera Milano (2006)
Adrian Paci, as part of Wherever We Go, curated by Gabi Scardi, with Alessandro Ambrosini, Luciana Andreani, Leonora Bisagno, Sergio Breviario, Petrit Halilaj, Vanja Mervic', Alek O., Maria Vittoria Perrelli, Alessandro Quaranta, Laura Renna, Erika Rocchigiani, Lidia Sanvito, Alberto Spada, Gian Paolo Striano; in collaboration with Provincia di Milano (2006)
Maja Bajevic, as part of Wherever We Go, curated by Gabi Scardi, in collaboration with Provincia di Milano (2006)
Incontri per giovani curatori curated by Alberto Garutti, with Stefano Bernuzzi, Valentina Costa, Laura Garbarino, Francesco Pavesi, Veronica Pirola, Alessandra Poggianti, Marta Savaris, Elvira Vannini (2004)
presentation of Eravamo tutti uguali by Gianmaria Conti (2003)
presentation of Zingonia, curated by Emanuela De Cecco (2002)
Franco Vaccari, curated by Gabi Scardi (2001)
Officine, training meetings dedicated to young artists and students of contemporary visual arts; in collaboration with the courses of History of Art Somaini-Micaletti and of Painting Ceretti-Aiello of the Academy of Brera (2000-2001)
OfficinaBitby Umberto Cavenago, with Mara Belloli, Barbara Brugola, Anna Calvanese, Barbara Fässler, Chiara Foletto, Marina Gasparini, Lorenzo Gatti, Francesco Izzo, Davide Majorino, Diana Manfredi, Loris Savino, Francesca Semeria, Laura Viale; in collaboration with Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti, Bergamo (2000)
Vito Acconci e Public Art in Italia, with Stefano Arienti, Pasquale Campanella, Annalisa Cattani, Umberto Cavenago, Nada Cingolani, Paola Di Bello, Salvatore Falci, Alberto Garutti, Patrizia Giambi, Dimitris Kozaris, Cesare Pietroiusti, Alessandra Pioselli, Antonio Somaini, Franco Stanghellini, Bert Theis, Adriana Torregrossa, Marco Vaglieri, Luca Vitone, Silvio Wolf (1999)
Incontri con l'arte, eight conferences on the contemporary art scene in Italy; Sala Maddalena, Monza (1999)
Presentation of Lo spirito e gli ultracorpi byMarco Senaldi and Antonio Piotti (1999)
Progetto Oreste: texts, works, photographic and video documentation about an unusual experiment of "residence" for artists that took place in Paliano in July 1997 and 1998; initiative of Zerynthia, edited by A. Radovan, G. Norese, C. Pietroiusti, S. Torelli, S. Falci, P. Modica, L. Vitone, C. Viel, S. Mezzaqui, A. Sperni, L. Benedetti (1999)
Le manifestazioni internazionali d'arte contemporanea dell'ultimo anno, series of six audiovisual conferences by Francesca Pasini, Marco Meneguzzo, Jen Budney, Roberto Pinto, Mario Gorni and Cecilia Di Lieto, Angela Vettese; PAC Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milan (1998)
Eterno Esterno by Luca Quartana: with Carla Barnabei, Anna Boria, Antonio Cammarano, Giusi Campisi, Anna Finetti, Loredana Mandressi and José Vazquez Pomar (1997)
Body and Soul / AZ by Dimitris Kozaris: with Simona Barbera, Matteo Bertella, Diego Bianchi, Alessandra Bonomini, Marianne Bowdler, Michele Bozzetti, Cristina Cagnazzi, Roberto Cascone, Antonio De Pascale, Luigi Dellatorre, Franco Duranti, Vittorio Gelmi, Meri Gorni, Alberto Guidato, Dimitris Kozaris, Carlo Losasso, Davide Majorino, Laura Matei, Cristina Mauri, Nessuno, Elena Parati, Stefania Perna, Daniele Pozzi, Irene Prinzivalli, Augustin Sanchez, Susanna Scarpa, Claudia Trobinger, Michela Veneziano (1997)
La presenza dell'altro: l'impatto dell'arte aborigena sulla scena culturale australiana, by Marco Marcon; Palazzo Dugnani, Milano (1997)
Oltre l'arte: esplorare il mondo dell'arte contemporanea significa frequentare anche le discipline ad essa vicine e complementari, series of lectures by Manlio Brusatin, Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, Loredana Parmesani; Palazzo Dugnani, Milano (1997)
Storia e teoria della fotografia contemporanea, un viaggio all'interno di questo medium che ha rivoluzionato i linguaggi della comunicazione universale, curated by Antonella Russo; Palazzo Dugnani, Milano (1997)
PubblicaMente: quando la città diventa spazio per l’arte, curated by Emanuela De Cecco: Stories, accounts, tales of experiences conceived in the urban territory; Monument vs. document, or which relationship with which public: dreams, problems, utopias and delusions of an art that directly involves the interlocutor; Palazzo Dugnani, Milano (1997)
Finanziamenti: istruzioni per l'uso: alcuni suggerimenti pratici, rivolti a giovani artisti e curatori, per ottenere borse di studio, partecipare a un concorso, finanziare un progetto, redigere correttamente un curriculum vitae, ecc., curated by Alessandra Pioselli; Palazzo Dugnani, Milano (1996)
Visita Guidata: un ciclo di incontri con critici e curatori, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Elio Grazioli, Francesca Pasini, Gianni Romano, Giorgio Verzotti, Angela Vettese, which intends to illustrate the main types of artistic research through an interpretative reading of the works and exhibitions taking place in the city. The contemporary phenomena are also explained in a historical key, with references and comparisons in order to draw several lines of interpretation through the twentieth century; Palazzo Dugnani e Facoltà di Architettura, Milano (1995, 1996, 1997)
Total Recall e Io non sono io, series of lectures held by Marco Senaldi, starting from the early twentieth-century avant-garde and ending with contemporary examples and testimonies. Each lesson has a multimedia character and includes the use of simultaneous projections of slides, music and film clips; Palazzo Dugnani, Milano (1995, 1996)
presentation of Paesaggi italiani, curated by Massimo Morozzi and François Burckhardt; Viafarini (1996)
Invitation to a Pointless Investigation by Jimmie Durham, curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, with Silvia Maria Barna, Jen Budney, Valerio Carrubba, Enzo Distinto, Tarin Gartner, Mauricio Lupini, Paola Pivi, Irene Prinzivalli, Gabriele Picco, Ewa Rapacz, Barbara Rossetti, Paola Sabatti Bassini, Lorenzo Silvan, Michea Veneziano (1996)
MultipliCity: Mappe, meetings between architects and artists on the theme of the city, curated by Stefano Boeri, Aldo Rocca, Mirko Zardini, Cino Zucchi; Viafarini, Milano (1995)
ABC Incontri sul Progetto; Viafarini, Milano (1995)
MultipliCity: Mappe, by Stefano Boeri, Aldo Rocca, Mirko Zardini, Cino Zucchi; Viafarini, Milano (1995)
presentation of Minimalismo: Arte Povera e Arte Concettuale by Francesco Poli; Viafarini, Milano (1995)
encounter with Alan Belcher, curated by Angela Vettese, Viafarini, Milano (1994)
Vetri da lavare, curated by Emanuela De Cecco and Enzo Umbaca; Viafarini, Milano (1994)
presentation of La casa di Alice, curated by Maurizio Barberis, with Mario Cresci, Michael Erlhoff, Vittorio Fagone, Silvio Fuso; Viafarini, Milano (1994)
Total Recall: Istruzioni per l'uso dell'arte contemporanea, curated by Marco Senaldi, Viafarini, Milano (1994)
encounter with David Mach, curated by Angela Vettese; Viafarini, Milano (1993)