
La banca dati ArtBox raccoglie informazioni su enti, organizzazioni, scuole che offrono opportunità di studio e lavoro - corsi, borse di studio, residence, concorsi, finanziamenti - accessibili ad artisti, studenti e operatori del settore delle arti.

The ArtBox database collects information about study and work opportunities offered by institutions, organizations and schools - courses, bursaries, residencies, open calls and grants - addressed to artists, students and art professionals.


HIAP - Helsinki International Artist-in-Residence Programme, Helsinki


40mcube, Rennes | ACCR - Centres Ciò tires de Rencontres Lieux Historiques, Paris | ACROE - Association pour la Creation et la Recherche sur les Outils d'Expression, Grenoble | ADIAF, Paris | ADMICAL - Association pour le Developpement du Mecenat Industriel et Commercial, Paris | AFAA - Association Française d'Action Artistique, Paris | AiR le PARC, Pampelonne | AIR Vallauris, Vallauris | American Center, Paris |  Angle Art Contemporain, Clasayes | Apare / Gec, Avignon | Art3, Valence | Art Norac, Rennes | ARTE G.E.I.E., Strasbourg | Association d'Art de La Napoule, La Napoule | Association Marseille - Provence 2013, Marseille | Association Tournefou, Palis | Asterides, Marseille | ArtConnexion, Lille | Art Explora, Paris | Artistes en résidence, Clermond-Ferrand | Atelier Calder, Saché | Ateliers d'Artistes de la Ville de Marseille, Marseille | Atelier de la Rose, Montcabrier | Ateliers Four winds, Aurelle | Banlieues d'Europe, Strasburg | [batofar], Paris | CAC - Centre d'Art Contemporain de Bretigny - Espace Jules Verne, Bretigny-sur-Orge | CAMAC - Centre d'Art MarnayCAPC - Musée d'Art Contemporain Etrepot, Bordeaux | Cassis Artist Residency, Cassis | Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris | Centre International d'Accueil et d'Echanges des Récollets, Paris | Centre International des Récollets, Paris | CENTRE POMPADOUR, Ercourt | CIDJ - Centre d'Information Jeunesse, Paris | Cimetta Fund, Paris | Centre International d'Art et du Paysage lle de Vassivière, Beaumont du Lac | CIRVA - Centre International de Recherche sur le Verre et les Arts Plastiques, Marseille | Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris | CMCA, Marseille | CNBDI - Centre National de la Bande Dessinée et de l'Image, Bordeaux | CO.AR.CO. - Concepts d'Art Contemporain, Marseille | Council of Europe, Strasburg | Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art, Paris | Dos Mares, Marseille | DRAWinternational, Caylus | EBABX - École d'Enseignement Supérieur d'Art de Bordeaux, Bordeaux | echangeur22 résidence artistique, Saint Laurent Des Arbres | ECI Agency - International Cultural Employment, Paris | École Nationale de la Photo, Arles | École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts Paris-Gergy, Gergy | École Supérieure d'Art et Design Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne |  École Superieure des Arts Appliqués Duperrè, Paris | École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Tours, Tours | Elan Interculturel, Paris | ENAD - École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris | ENSAD - École Nationale Superieure des Art Decoratifs, Paris | ENSBA - École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Lyon, Lyon | ERBAN - École Regionale des Beaux Arts de Nantes, Nantes | ESAD - École Superieure d'Arts et Design d'Amiens, Amiens | ESMOD France, Paris | Fondation Artistica Oxylane, Villeneuve d'Ascq | Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris | Fondation Claude Monet, Givermy | Fondation de France, Paris | Fondation d'Entreprise Ricard, Paris | Fondation Fiminco, Romainville | Fondation Jean-Claude Reynal, Bordeaux | FotoFever, Paris | Fondation Marc de Montalembert, Paris | Fondation Royaumont, Asnières-sur-Oise | FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais, Dunkerque | France Ministry of Culture, Paris | Friche La Belle de Mai, Marseille | GRAME - Centre National de Création Musicale, Lyon | GrandNancy, Nancy | Guides Travels - Dakota Editions, Paris | IMéRA, Marseille | Institut Claude Nicolas Ledoux di Arc et Senans, Dijon | IHEAP - Institute des Hautes Etudes en Arts PlastiqueInstitut Français de la Mode, Paris | Institut National Audiovisuel, Paris | International Center of Art and Landscape at Vassivière Island, Beaumont du Lac | IPEDEC - Institut Supérieure de Peinture Decorative, Pantin | Istituto Marangoni, Paris | Jour et Nuit, Paris | L’AiR Arts, Paris | La Base, Levallois-Perret | La Galerie - Centre d'Art Contemporain, Noisy-le-Sec | La synagogue de Delme, Delme | Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Paris | Le Chatelet International Artist Residency, Bonnevaux | Le Consortium, Dijon | Le Maupas A.I.R, Sussey (Côte d'Or) | Le Muse, Labastide-Esparbairenque | Le Pavé dans la Mare, Besançon | Les Atelier des Arques, Les Arques | Le Vent des Forests, Lahaymeix | Lumiville, Lyon | L'Usine de Méru, Méru | L'Usine éphémère, Paris | MAGASIN - Centre National d'Art Contemporain, Grenoble | Moly-Sabata, Sablons | Mophradat, Poitiers | Musée d'Art Contemporain de Lyon, Lyon | NG Art Creative Residency, Eygalières | Nouveaux Mécènes, Paris | PAF, Performing Arts Forum, St Erme Outre et Ramecourt | Palais de Tokyo, Paris | Parc Saint-Léger, Pougues-les-Eaux | Pépinières Européennes de Création, Paris | Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes, Marly-le-Roi |, Paris | Pollen, Monflanquin | Por Que l'Ésprit Vive, Paris | Sam Art Projects, Paris | SciencesPo École des Art Politiques, Paris | Semapa, Paris | Sextant et plus, Marseille | Terra Foundation for American Art, Giverny | thankyouforcoming, Nice | The Camargo Foundation, Cassis | Trans Europe Halles, Saint Ouen | UNESCO, Paris | Union Latine, Paris | Université de la Mode, Lyon | Université Paris, Paris | Vallauris Institute of Arts, Vallauris | VideoFormes, Clemont-Ferrand Cedex | Villa St Clair, Sète | Villa Arson, Nice |  ZM/X, Saint Hérent

Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris


ACC Galerie Weimar, Weimar | AIR – Frankfurt, Frankfurt | Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart | AMD Akademie für Modedesign, Hamburg | ARTE G.E.I.E., Postflach | Artists Unlimited, Bielefeld | Atelierhaus Hilmsen, Wallstawe OT Hilmsen | Atelierhaus Worpswede e.v., Worpswede | Baldreit Stipendium, Baden-Baden | Barkenhoff-Stiftung Worpswede, Worpswede | Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, Dessau | Berlin Art Institute, Berlin-Weißensee | Berlin Biennale für Zeitgenössische Kunst e.v., Berlin | Berliner Liste, Berlin | Berlin Sessions, Berlin | Braun, Stuttgart |  Braunschweig University of Art - Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, Braunschweig | Burg Giebichenstein - Hochschule für Kunst und Design Halle, Halle | City of Munich - Department of Arts and Culture, Munich | DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Berlin | Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich, Feldafing | District Arts and Cultural Promotion, Berlin | ECB - European Central Bank, Frankfurt | Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg | ESMOD Germany, Berlin | European Textile Network, Hannover | Expo Management GmbH, Molfsee | Fachhochschule Trier, Trier | Fleetstreet Theater, Hamburg | Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, Königswinter | Gedok Atelierhaus, LÜBECK | Gitte Bohr, Berlin | GlogauAIR, Berlin | Ground e.V., Perleberg | Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Berlin | HanseArt Kunstmesse, Bremen | H-ArtHist, Berlin | Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin | HFBK - Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Hamburg | HGB - Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, Leipzig | Hochschule der Künste, Berlin | ICI Kulturalabor Berlin -  Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin | Institut für Alles Mögliche, Berlin | International Experimental Film Workshop e.v., Postfach | Internationale Filmschule Köln, Köln | Karlsruhe Hochschule für Gestaltung - Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, Karlsruhe | Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf, Wiepersdorf | Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee, Berlin | Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Köln | Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, Schöppingen | Künstlerhaus Bethanien GmBH, Berlin | Künstlerhaus Cismar, Gromitz | Künstlerhaus Lauenburg, Lauenburg | Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop | Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt | Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, Bad Ems | Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf, Wiepersdorf | Künstlerhaus Stuttgart Reuchlinstrasse, Stuttgart | Künstlerstätte Schloss Bleckede, Lueneburg | Kunstverein Braunschweig, Braunschweig | Kunst-Werke Berlin - Institute für Zeitgenössische Kunst und Theorie, Berlin | Laab Internationales Austausch - Und Atelierprogramm Region Basel - International Exchange and Studio Program Basel, Basel - Berlin | Meisterschule für Mode, Munchen | Messe 2, Frankfurt | MMK - Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt | MOMENTUM Worldwide, Berlin | MWK - Museum der Weltkulturen, Frankfurt | NBK - Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin | NGBK - Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin | N.K. - Neue Köln, Köln | NKKK - Nordic Art and Design Committee, Berlin - Helskinki | Node Center for Curatorial Studies, Berlin | Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus, Schwandorf | Opekta Ateliers, Cologne | PACT Zollverein, Essen | PAS - Performance Art Studies, Berlin | Picture Berlin, Berlin | Preview Berlin - The Emerging Art Fair, Berlin | Redaktion Bauwelt, Berlin | roARaTorio, Berlin - Paris | Schloss Bröllin, Bröllin | Schloss Plüschow, Plüschow | Schloss Ringenberg, Hamminkeln-Ringenberg | SomoS Art House, Berlin | Sparwasser HQ, Berlin | Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Stuttgart | Städelschule - Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Frankfurt | STATE Festival, Berlin | Stiftung Insel-Hombroich, Neuss | Stiftung Künstlerhof Roter Ochse, Schleusingen / Thüringer Wald | Stadt Leipzig, Leipzig | Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden | Temporary Gallery Berlin, Berlin | The Munich Theater Festival Spielart, Munich | TOP - Verein fur Förderung Kultureller Praxis e.v., Berlin | Transmediale - International Media Art Festival, Berlin | UdK - Universität der Künste Berlin, Berlin | Uqbar e.v. - Society for Representation Research, Berlin | University of Applied Science in Berlin, Berlin | Universes in Universes - Worlds of Art, Berlin | VIDEONALE e.V. im Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn | Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein | Vkunst Frankfurt, Frankfurt | Werkstatt Altena, Altena | Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.v. - Zentrum für Künstlerische Bildmedien Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle | Wirtschaftsförderer-Vereinigung Apolda-Weimar Land e.v., Apolda | ZKM - Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe | ZKU - Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Berlin | Zollverein School of Management and Design, Essen

Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin


Rupert, Vilnius


1646, Den Haag | AGA LAB, Amsterdam | AiR Nieuw en Meer, Amsterdam | AiR Tilburg - SEA Foundation, Tilburg | AKV - St. Joost, Breda | AreHolland, Enschede | ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Enschede | Art House Holland, Leiderdorp | Artist in Residence Het Domijn, Weesp | BAK Basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht | Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht | CBK Zuidoost - Centrum Beeldende Kunst Zuidoost, Amsterdam | Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Rotterdam | Charlois aan het Water Foundation, Rotterdam | Cultureland, Starnmeer | DCR Guest Studio's, Den Haag | de Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam | De Ateliers - International Artists Institute, Amsterdam | Design Academy Eindhoven, Eindhoven | De Fabriek, Eindhoven | Dutch Art Institute, Enschede | ECF European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam | ELIA - European League of Institutes of the Arts, Amsterdam | European Keramisch Werkcentrum - European Ceramic Work Centre, Hertogenbosch | Foundation atelierWG, Amsterdam | Foundation B.a.d, Rotterdam | Foundation Obras Art residencies, Renkum | Gemeente Utrecht - City of Utrecht, Utrecht | Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam | Het Wilde Weten, Rotterdam | Hotel MariaKapel, Hoorn | HKU Utrecht Graduate School of Visual Art and Design, Utrecht | id11, Rutten | Impakt Foundation, Utrecht | Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Amsterdam, Amsterdam | Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht | Kunsthuis SYB, Beetsterzwaag | Leiden University - Academy of Creative and Performing Arts, Leiden | m4gastatelier, Amsterdam | Mondriaan Stichting - Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam | Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam | Netherlands Film and Television Academy, Amsterdam | Netherlands Media Art Institute, Amsterdam | OT301, Amsterdam | Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam | Res Artis - International Association of Residential Arts Centres, Amsterdam | Retort, Amsterdam | Rijksakademie van Beeldende Künsten, Amsterdam | Sandberg Institut, Amsterdam | Satellit Groep, The Hague | Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam | Thami Mnyele Foundation, Amsterdam | Trans Artists, Amsterdam | V2_Organisation - Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam | Van Gogh artist-in-residence, Zundert | VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam | Witte de With - Centrum voor Hedendaagse Kunst, Rotterdam

de Appel Artst Centre, Amsterdam


AADK Spain, Blanca | ARCOmadrid, Madrid | Arteleku, San Sebastian | Associacio’ d’Artistes Visuals de Catalunya, Barcelona | BAR Project, Barcelona | Bee Time, Vejer de la Frontera | Bilbao Arte, Bilbao | CAAM - Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas | CACIS - Forn de la calç, Calders | Cal Gras, Avinyó | CALLE MAYOR 54, Lumbier | Can Serrat - Art Residency, El Bruc, Barcelona | Casa Tagumerche, Alojera | casArte El Hierro, Los Llanillos | Centre Cultural Andratx, Andratx | Centre Cultural de la Fundaciòn “La Caixa”, Barcelona | CDAN - Centro de Arte y Naturaleza - Fondation Beulas, Huesca | Centre d’art i Natura, Ferrera de Pallars | Centros de Formacion Profesional des Artes Graficas, Madrid | Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, Santiago de Compostela | CIMAM - International Committee of ICOM for Museums and Collections of Modern Art, Barcelona | CURTIDOS, Barcelona | Diseño Interior Magazine, Madrid | EINA - Escuela de Diseño y Arte, Barcelona | El Forn de la Calç - Centre d’Art Contemporani i Sostenibilitat, Calders | El Mirador de Akasha, Granada | Emergent LleidaENCLAVE LAND ART, L'Alcudia de Crespins | Escola de Ceràmica de la Bisbal i Centre d’Artesania, La Bisbal d’Empordà | Escola Massana, Barcelona | Escola Superior de Disseny Elisava, Barcelona | Espronceda Center for Art and Culture, Barcelona | Experimentem amb l'Art, Barcelona | Focus Abengoa (Fundacion Fondo de Cultura de Sevilla), Sevilla | Fundacion Altadis-Madrid Abierto, Madrid | Fundacio Joan Mirò, Palma de Majorca | Fundaciò Caja de Extremadura, Plasencia | Fundación Botín, Santander | Fundación CIEC - Centro Internácional de la Estampa Contemporánea, Betanzos A Coruña | Fundación Sorigué, Lleida | Fundacion Valparaiso, Almeria | Guasch Coranty Foundation, Barcelona | Halfhouse, Barcelona | Hangar, Barcelona | homesession, Barcelona | Idensitat, Calaf | Innovalia Association, Getxo | IN-SONORA, Madrid | Intercambiador Acart, Madrid | IRL - Institut Ramon Llull, Barcelona | Istituto de la Pequeña Y Mediana Industria de la Generalidad Valenciana, Valencia | IVAM - Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, Valencia | Joya: AiR, Vélez Blanco | L'Estruch, Sabadell | La Nau Universitat de Valencia, Valencia | La Postiza, Monteagudo | MACBA - Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona | MARCO - Museo de Arte Contemporanea de Vigo, Vigo | Mas Els Igols, Torreles de Foix | Matadero Madrid - Centro de Creación Contemporánea, Madrid | MECAD - Media Centre d’Art i Disseny, Barcelona | Medialab-Prado, Madrid | Montemero Art Residency, Almeria | Nau Côclea, Camallera, Alt Empordà, Girona | Nectar, Barcelona | PACA_Proyectos Artísticos Casa Antonino, Gijón | Piramidón, Barcelona | R.A.R.O, Madrid | Rural-C, Villanueva de los Infantes | TEA - Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz de Tenerife | theSPACE, Barcelona | TPK, Barcelona | Universidad de Cordoba, Cordoba | Universidad de Extremadura, Càceres | Università di Salamanca - Facultad de Bellas Artes, Salamanca |  untitledBCN, Barcelona | Werner Thöni Artspace, Barcelona | Zaragoza City of Knowledege Foundation, Zaragoza

Matadero Madrid - Centro de Creación Contemporánea, Madrid

HEAD Haute École d’Art et Design Genève - Geneva University of Art and Design, Geneve

United Kingdom

ACAVA - Association for Cultural Advancement trought Visual Art,  London | Acme Housing Association, Ltd., London | AN - Artists' Network, Newcastle | Animate Projects, London | AOI - Association of Illustrators, London | Appledore Arts, Appledore | Architectural Association Graduate School, London | Arnolfini Arts Center, Bristol | Artangel, London | ARTEC - Arts Technology Center, London | Artes Mundi, Cardiff | ArtFunkl, Manchester | Artist Agency, Sunderland | Artlink - Buncrana Environmental Group Public Art Project, Buncrana | Art of File International, London | Artoteque, London | Art Space, Portsmouth | ArtSway, Contemporary Visual Art in the New Forest, Sway | Arvon Foundation, London | Aspex, Portsmouth | Asprey Jacques Contemporary, London | Bank Space, London | Barbican Centre, London | Barnet Southgate College, London | Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival, Berwick | Birmingham Museums Trust, Birmingham | Birmingham Polytechnic, Birmingham | Blast Theory, Portslade | Blueprint, London | Braziers International Artists Workshop, London | British Design and Art Direction Award, London | BSR - British School at Rome, London | Cable Street Studios, London | Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, London | Camberwell College of Arts, London | Camden Art Center, London | Cardiff Bay Art Trust, Cardiff | Careers Services UnitsCatalyst Arts, Belfast | Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design London | Charlie Smith London, London | Chelsea College of Art and Design (London) | Chisenhale Gallery, London | City University, Department of Cultural Policy and Management, London | Context Gallery, Derry | Courtauld Institute of Art, London | Crafts Council, London | Crescent Arts, Scarborough |  Cubitt, London | Dalsoupe Direct Limited, Bridgwater | Delfina Foundation, London | Design Museum, London | Domus Academy, London - Milano | Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee, Dundee | Earth Art, London | ECA - Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh | ECNA - European Computer Network for the ArtsEdinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Edinburgh | Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh | FACT - Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, Liverpool | Film London Artists' Moving Image Network, London | Flax Art Studios, Belfast | Gasworks Artist Studios, London | Glasgow Sculpture Studios, Glasgow | Goldsmiths College, London | Hampshire County Council, Winchester | Henry Moore Foundation, Perry Green | HTBA - Hull Time Based Arts  |  Hull School of Art and Design, University of Humberside, Hull | ICA - Institute of Contemporary Arts, London | InIVA - Institute of International Visual Arts, London | Ikon Gallery, Birmingham | International Arts, London | Ipswich Borough Council, Ipswich | Istituto Marangoni, London | Kinetica Museum, London | Lighthouse, Brighton | Littoral Arts Trust, Lodge Mill Lane | Live Art Development Agency, London | Liverpool School of Art and Design, Liverpool | Locus+, Newcastle | London Docklands Development Corporation, London | London Group, London | London Photographic Association, London | Loughborough University, Leicester | Lux Centre - London Electronic Arts, London | Matt Roberts Arts, London | Matt's Gallery, London | Modern Art Oxford, Oxford | Mostyn, Llandudno North Wales | MOI - Museum of Installation, London | MOT - Masters of Today, London | NaREC - New and Renewable Energy Centre, Blyth | National Artists' Association, London | National Campaign for the Arts, London | National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh | Neon Workshops, Wakefield | Newcastle University, Newcastle | New International School, London | Newport School of Art and Design, University of Wales College, Newport | Norwich Gallery - Norwich School of Art and Design (Norwich) | Paul Hamlyn Foundation, London | Peabody Trust, London | Photographer's Gallery, London | Project Environment, Ramsbottom | Public Art Commissions Agency, Birmingham | Public Art Development Trust, London | Royal Academy of Arts, London | Royal College of ArtLondon | Rsa Art for Architecture, London | Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford, Oxford | Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich |School of Art, Southampton |  School of Art and Design, University of East London, London | School of Art and Design, University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire | School of Textile and Design, Heriot-Watt University, Galashiels | Serpentine Gallery (London) | SharpCut Visual Arts Project, London | Site Gallery, Sheffield | Slade School of FIne Art, London | Sotheby's Institute of Art, London | Southampton City Art Gallery(Southampton | South Bank Employers' Group, London | Space Studios, London | Stanley Picker Gallery - Kingston University, Kingston | Tate Gallery, London | Tate Gallery Liverpool, Liverpool | Tate Gallery St Ives, St Ives | The Art of Change, London | The Arts Catalyst, London | The Arts Council of England, Visual Arts Department, London | The Bluecoat, Liverpool | The British Council, London | The Dean Clough Limited, Halifax | The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow | The Hunting Art Prize, Esher | The Leeds School of Contemporary Art and Graphic Design - Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds | The Jerwood Foundation, London - Esher | The MAC - Metropolitan Arts Centre, Belfast | The Patrick Allan-Fraser of Hospital Field Trust, Angus | The Workshops Collective for Arts and Crafts, Belfast | Transit Space, London | Triangle Arts Trust, London | University College Salford, Salford | UCA - University for the Creative Arts, Rochester | University of Belfast, Belfast | University of Essex, Colchester | University of London, Institute of Education, London | University of Northumbria, Faculty of Arts and Design, Newcastle | Victoria and Albert Museum, London | WASPS Artists' Studios (Glasgow) | Watermans, Brentford | Watershed Media Center, Bristol |  Wellcome Trust, London | Wimbledon College of Art, London | Wimbledon School of Art, London | Winchester University College Cardiff, Cardiff | York St John University, York | Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield | Young Masters, London |  Zabludowicz Collection, London 

Gasworks Artist Studios, London

United States

18th Street Arts Center, Los Angeles | 77Art, Rutland | A Studio In The Woods, New Orleans | A.I.R. Studio Paducah, Hyattsville | AC - Institute Direct Chapel, New York | ACA - Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Smyrna Beach | Academy of television arts and sciences, Los Angeles | ACRE, Chicago | Alaska AIR, Homer | Alliance of Artists’ Communities, Freeland | All Star Directions, Seattle | Anderson Center, Minnesota | Annmarie Garden, Sculpture Park & Arts Center, Dowell | Anthology Film Archives, New York | apexart, New York | Arc Gallery, Chicago | Art&Education, New York | Artadia: the Fund for Art and Dialogue, New York | ArtCenter - South Florida, Miami | Art Center College of Design, Passadena | Arthouse at the Jones Center, Austin | Art in General, New York | Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, Boston | Artists' Fellowship Inc., New York | Artists Space, New York | Artiade 2008 N.G.O., Santa Cruz | Art Matter Inc., New York | Art of Digital Show, San Diego | Art Omi International Arts Center, New York | Artpace, San Antonio | Art Projects International, New York | ASPECT Magazine, Boston | Azule, Hot Springs | Bard College, Center for Curatorial Studies, New York | bau institute Otranto & New York, New York | Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha | betterArts, Redwood | Big Bend National Park Artist in Residence | Boston Center for the Arts, Boston | Boston University - College of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, Boston | Breckenridge Creative Arts, Breckenridge | CAA - College Art Association, New York | CalArts - California Institute of the Arts, San Francisco | Caldera, Portland | Capp Street Project, San Francisco | C. Columbus Society for the Creative Arts, Beverly Hills | Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, Chicago | Chinati Foundation, Marfa | Christie’s, New York | Columbia University School of the Arts, New York | Communication Arts, Palo Alto |  Cornell University, Ithaca | Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills | Creative Capital Foundation, New York | Creative Time, New York | CUNY Graduate Center, New York | DCTV Documentation Community Television Center - Artist-in-Residence, New York | DEFIBRILLATOR Performance Art Gallery, Chicago | DePaul University - College of Computing and Digital Media, Chicago | Diverseworks, Houston | Djerassi Foundation, Woodside |  Duke University, Durham NC | Educational Foundation of America, Woodland Hills | Edward F. Albee Foundation, New York | Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York | Elsewhere studios, Paonia | EMPAC - Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, New York | Experimental Television Center, Newark Valley | Exploratorium, San Francisco | Film Forum, New York | Film/Video Arts, New York | FIT Fashion Institute of Technology, New York | Five Colleges Inc., Amherst | Florida State University, Tallahassee | Flux Factory, New York | Fondazione Rotary International, Evaston | Four Walls, New York | Franklin Furnace, New York | Gallery 37 International Artists Program, Chicago | Gallery 400 - College of Architectures and the Arts, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago | Goddard College, Plainfield | Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago | Hartford Art School - University of Hartford, Hartford | Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito | Hungarian Multicultural Center, Dallas | Hunter College - Hunter Art, New York | ICI - Independent Curators International, New York | ICP - International Center for Photography, New York |  IIE Information Center, New York | Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, Portland | I-Park, East Haddam | International Sculpture Center, Washington DC | ISCP - International Studio and Curatorial Program, New York | Italian Cultural Institute of New York, New York | It’s LIQUID Group, Rochester | Kala Institute, Berkeley | LACDA Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Los Angeles | Lawndale Art Center, Houston | LEF Foundation - New England, Cambridge | Light Work, Syracuse | LMCC - The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York | Lock Haven University, Lock Haven | Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation, New York | Lyn Blumenthal Memorial Fund for Independent Video, New York | Macdowell Colony, Peterborough | MAD - Museum of Arts and Design, New York | MASSART - Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston | Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh | Memphis College of Art, Memphis | MICA - Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore | Millay Colony for the Arts, Austerlitz | Mills College Art Museum, Oakland | MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge | MoMA -The Museum of Modern Art, New York | MOMA P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, New York | Montalvo Arts Center, Saratoga | Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia | Mother Jones International Fund for Documentary Photography, San Francisco | Museum of Fine Arts, Houston | NARS Foundation, New York | National Alliance for Excellence, New York | National Association of Broadcasters, Washington DC | National Endowment for the Arts, Washington DC | New York Studio School, New York | NFAA - The National Foundation for Advancement in the Art, Miami | NSF National Science Foundation, Arlington | NYFA - New York Foundation for the Arts, New York | NYSID - New York School of Interior Design, New York | NYU - New York University, New York | Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles | Parsons The New School for Design, New York | Phoenix Film Festival, Phoenix | PLATTEforum, Denver | Plexus Art and Communication, New York | PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland | Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York | Pratt Institute, New York | P.S.122 - Performance Space 122, New York | Purchase College - State University of New York, Albany | Queens College, New York | Raid Projects, Los Angeles | Residency Unlimited, New York |, New York |  RISD - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence | Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester | Rockefeller Foundation, New York | Rutgers University, New Brunswick | SAIC - School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago | Salt Lake Art Center, Salt Lake City | Sam Fox School of Design - Washington University, St. Louis | Samuel H. Kress Foundation, New York | San Diego Film Festival, San Diego | SculptureCenter, New York | Sculpture Space, New York | SFAI - San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco | Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, New York | SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York | Sotheby’s Institute of Art - New York, New York | Stone Summer Theory Institute, Chicago | SUNY - University at Albany, Albany | SVA - School of Visual Arts, New York | Swinburne Faculty of Design - Swinburne University of Technology, Prahan Victoria | Syracuse University, New York | The Alternative Museum, New York | The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, New York | The Architectural League, New York | The Artists Network, New York | The Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha | The Brooklyn Museum, New York |   The Brooklyn College, New York | The Chicago Athenaeum - Museum of Architecture and Design, Chicago | The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, Washington | The Drawing Center, New York | The Foundation Center, New York | The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University, New York | The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation, Colorado Springs | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York | The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York | The Phillips Collection, Washington | The Sprout Found, Pittsburgh | The Studios of Key West, Key West | The Trincoll JournalTransformer, Washington | Transart Institute, New York | Triple Canopy, New York | UC Berkeley Extension, Berkeley | UIC - University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago | UMass Amherst - University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst | University at Buffalo, Buffalo | University of Arts, Philadelphia | University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Philadelphia | University of California - San Diego, San Diego | UC Santa Barbara - Department of Art, Santa Barbara | UnionDocs, New York | University of California - Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz | University of Illinois - School in Art and Design, Champaing | University of Miami, Miami | USC - Roski School of Fine Arts, Los Angeles | Van Alen institute, New York | VCU - Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond | Vera List Center for Art and Politics, New York | Vermont Studio Center, Johnson VT | Video Association of Dallas, Dallas | Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Amherst | Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis | Wassaic Project, Wassaic | Watermill Center, New York | Walford College Art Gallery, Forest City |   Weir Farm Trust, Wilton | Wesleyan University - Institute for Curatorial Practice in Performance, Middle Town | Wexner Center for the Arts - Ohio State University, Columbus | White Columns, New York | Whitney Museum of American Art, New York | Win-Initiative, New York |, New York | Yaddo, Saratoga Springs | Yellow Springs Institute, Chester Springs

Residency Unlimited, New York