IED Jewelry Graduates Exhibition

10 - 11 luglio 2024

0,0...1 - INFINITESIMAL 10 e 11 luglio 2024 ARCHIVIO VIAFARINI Fabbrica del Vapore - Via Procaccini 4, Milano Nell'ambito del progetto "Spazio al Talento" nello spazio di Archivio Viafarini alla Fabbrica del Vapore mostra di restituzione dei lavori degli studenti del Master in Jewelry Design di IED Milano, coordinati da Chiaralice Rizzi. GIULIA CALZARETTI PAOLA CAVALLIER MEL DARIO XU TONG LOUIS KUTYLA ALEKSANDRA LEROY ELS OP DE BEECK MIRYAM PAPARAZZO NAISHEE SHAH

“What brings us together?” This question keeps arising in our minds. We are a group of strangers, hailing from various corners of the world. Yet, somehow, we find ourselves gathered here in Milan, all at once. What are the chances of that? Even though it is of course impossible to actually calculate the exact probability of such an event, it is estimated that over an average lifetime, a person will encounter around 80,000 individuals. Because we are 8 billion people on Earth, the chances of any two individuals meeting are 0.00001. So now, imagine how little the chances are that the path of us specific strangers, from all across the world and heading towards all sorts of different directions, crossed at one point, at one moment. Infinitesimal. That’s how little. So, what brings us together? The answer is jewelry. Whether it’s always been a passion, or a recent discovery, jewelry is what brought us here together 3 years ago, and what we are still sharing today. But today we have the chance to share it with all of you. At first, one might perceive our works as vastly different. Yet, upon delving deep into each of our inner worlds, one can discern their similarities and how deeply they are connected. It is that same spark, the same intention that ignites our creativity. The profound need to understand the world surrounding us and to seek meaning and purpose— a profound human need. Whether it is through relationships, spirituality, activism, knowledge, or personal endeavors, all themes that can be found heretonight, we all share that common drive as humans. And it is through our jewelry, each in our own personal way, that we express that. Text by Mel Dario

IED Jewelry Graduates Exhibition

10 - 11 luglio 2024

0,0...1 - INFINITESIMAL 10 e 11 luglio 2024 ARCHIVIO VIAFARINI Fabbrica del Vapore - Via Procaccini 4, Milano Nell'ambito del progetto "Spazio al Talento" nello spazio di Archivio Viafarini alla Fabbrica del Vapore mostra di restituzione dei lavori degli studenti del Master in Jewelry Design di IED Milano, coordinati da Chiaralice Rizzi. GIULIA CALZARETTI PAOLA CAVALLIER MEL DARIO XU TONG LOUIS KUTYLA ALEKSANDRA LEROY ELS OP DE BEECK MIRYAM PAPARAZZO NAISHEE SHAH

“What brings us together?” This question keeps arising in our minds. We are a group of strangers, hailing from various corners of the world. Yet, somehow, we find ourselves gathered here in Milan, all at once. What are the chances of that? Even though it is of course impossible to actually calculate the exact probability of such an event, it is estimated that over an average lifetime, a person will encounter around 80,000 individuals. Because we are 8 billion people on Earth, the chances of any two individuals meeting are 0.00001. So now, imagine how little the chances are that the path of us specific strangers, from all across the world and heading towards all sorts of different directions, crossed at one point, at one moment. Infinitesimal. That’s how little. So, what brings us together? The answer is jewelry. Whether it’s always been a passion, or a recent discovery, jewelry is what brought us here together 3 years ago, and what we are still sharing today. But today we have the chance to share it with all of you. At first, one might perceive our works as vastly different. Yet, upon delving deep into each of our inner worlds, one can discern their similarities and how deeply they are connected. It is that same spark, the same intention that ignites our creativity. The profound need to understand the world surrounding us and to seek meaning and purpose— a profound human need. Whether it is through relationships, spirituality, activism, knowledge, or personal endeavors, all themes that can be found heretonight, we all share that common drive as humans. And it is through our jewelry, each in our own personal way, that we express that. Text by Mel Dario